Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Windows Vista Video Tutorial - Remove the sidebar

Name: Sidekick, sidebar what is the difference?
Category: Removing stuff and Speed up Windows Vista
Operating System: Windows Vista
Difficulty: Anyone who can watch TV can do this

What is all this about...?
Windows Vista is supposed to be the greatest thing ever right ("The wow starts now" and all that or maybe VISTA stands for Viruses, Intruders, Spyware, Trojans and Adware... who knows?) Whatever we think about this new offering from Microsoft most of us are going to have to use it as some point in the future and this tip will help you remove one of its annoying little "features" that many people hate.

Have you installed Windows Vista only to be greeted by that whopping big sidebar you wouldn't use if it came with a coffee maker and want to get rid of it? Then this video tutorial will take the pain away for all those who can't stand this little "improvement." It will remove the sidebar and stop it from loading every time Windows starts. Warning - Removing the sidebar might even speed up your computer.

How do I do it...?
Watch the video and copy what the magic mouse does on the screen and what the man tells you - easy..? You bet!

Special thanks to pc wiz kid for making these great vids!

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