Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Safari browser on a Windows Computer!

Name: I'm taking you on safari!
Category: Internet
Operating System: Windows (yes windows) XP and Vista
Difficulty: My grandma could surf the web with this!

Safari what are you talking about...?
The lines between Microsoft and Apple are getting closer and closer. Earlier this year we found out that Windows can run on the new generation of Apple Macs. Well today I am telling you that I am writing this post on Apples famous Safari browser (the thing you surf the web with) on my Windows computer!
Now some of you might be asking me, so what or why would I want to do that. Well I am here to answer those questions.

So What...?
Well I personally think it is a good thing for an Apple computer to run Microsoft programs and vice versa. Competition brings out better products for the end users (me and you) and if this trend continues we just might start seeing some more cross over programs for free. They might even possibly be better than what we currently have.

Why would I want to run an apple browser on Windows...?
Well there are some very good reasons that you might want to consider. The most important being that Safari is lightning quick (well I have found it to be) and Apple claim it to be 2x faster than Internet Explorer and 1.6x faster than Firefox. However that is not the only bonus, Apple point to 12 features of why you would want to use Safari over the other offerings:

1. Blazing Performance
2. Elegant User Interface
3. Easy Bookmarks
4. Pop-up Blocking
5. Inline Find
6. Tabbed Browsing
7. SnapBack
8. Forms AutoFill
9. Built-in RSS
10. Resizable Text Fields
11. Private Browsing
12. Security
My thoughts on Safari
I am impressed with the loading times, but I doubt most people will notice much of a difference. Pages display correctly and look very sleek and the general graphical presentation is very good. Overall you would expect some level of quality from Apples #1 browser and now it is available on Windows computers I think that it becomes a serious player in the browser market. If you are shopping for a new browser or want to try something new then don't look to far past Safari.

How do I get it...?
Easy really you can download it from the apple website (I will provide a link)
Download Safari

If you do try it you can tell me what you think by leaving a comment (I am opening comments to all users). Remember that if you like what you find on my blog you can always subscribe for free.

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