Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Protect your computer - spyware blaster review

Name: Spyware Blaster
Category: Secutity / Spyware / Best Free Software
Operating System: Windows 95-XP (cannot confirm vista)
Difficulty: My grandma could do it with her eyes closed

So what is it...?

Most normal spyware software scans your computer and then removes the spyware after it has already infested your system. Spyware Blaster is a program the blocks spyware before it gets on your computer. There are two things about this program that make it even better:

  1. It does not run in the background so it takes up no memory!
  2. Its completely free for the following:
  • Individuals (for personal and educational use)
  • Public libraries
  • Registered charities
  • Elementary or secondary schools
  • Degree-granting undergraduate and post-graduate community colleges, colleges, and universities
Alright how do I get it and what do I do with it then...?
It is avaliable for free at the authors website and I have provided a link to it here
Download SpywareBlaster
Simply install it and then start the program. Firstly you must update the database with new definition files (a lot like your anti virus program).

Step 1 -Click on download latest protection updates under the quick tasks section.
Step 2 Then click check for updates
Step 3 Finally enable all protection and you are protected.

STEP 1 ------------------>STEP 2 ----------------->STEP 3
(click to enlarge)

Is that it...?
Yes basically that is all you have to do to be protected. Make sure you check for updates about once a week or so. It is easy to use and should be on everyone's list of free protection software.

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