Thursday, August 16, 2007

The hidden hard disk space monster

Name: Hybernate??? it's like 100 degrees out here
Category: Free up space
Operating System: Windows XP (cannot confirm vista)
Difficulty: My grandma could do it with her eyes closed

Firstly when I talk to people about their computers I always ask this question. Do you use hibernate on your computer? I have had many different answers, but most poeple just shrug and say hiber-what?
Hibernate was this great idea where your computer would switch off, but well um... not switch off and you could turn it back on and continue what you were doing later with no delay for start up. Now that is one great feature for 1% of people, but for the rest of us (especially those with small hard drive space) it takes up too much room.
For example on my puny 20gb Hard drive on my laptop it takes up over 1gb! Now for something I don't use (and to be honest just plain annoys me) that is crazy. I am losing 1/20th of my Hard drive space to it!

Alright I hate it as much as you now, but how do I switch it off...?
This is the easy part. Simply enter the display properties (right click on the desktop)---> click on the screen saver tab--->click on the power tab (opens a new window)--> click in the hibernate tab--->uncheck enable hibernation---> click apply---> grandma now has turned hibernation off!

Screenshots of the process for the visual people

(You can click to enlarge these)

Is that it?
Yes, you will probably need to restart and you have just saved some space! Just remember this tip so you can tell your friends or when you buy a new PC (although it will probably have vista and all its wonderful imporvements).

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